A creative consultancy, specialising in seeding & growing ideas.


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GIF Fest


Had the absolute pleasure to visit the uber cool GIF FEST recently. Full disclosure, I love what EYEYAH! do, and both their conceptual and aesthetic approach has appealed to me for years... so in some ways it was not at all surprising to be impressed. 

Yet-  it was a joy to be surrounded by a vivid, unabashed presentation around the theme of ‘Imperfect’. Presentation, and of course the eclectic, even eccentric content brought together under one roof (no roof!). Somehow the nature of the medium (GIFs), and the exhibition combine to allow you to immerse yourself a little or a lot, for a drop-in visit or a longer immersion (beanbags included, thank you).

This trip was with the two offspring in tow, who brought a different layer of experience, but I fully expect to go once more and this time note down some of the cooler artists (and sneak in a nice selfie or three).